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Shadow Haven RP - Enforcement GuidelinesTo ensure a fair and enjoyable experience for all players, Shadow Haven RP adheres to a structured enforcement approach. This document outlines the categories of violations and the corresponding disciplinary actions.1. Categories of Violations

  • Class I: Minor Infractions

    • Examples: Minor roleplay issues, small OOC disturbances, minor rule breaches.

  • Class II: Moderate Infractions

    • Examples: Repeated minor infractions, significant roleplay breaches, moderate OOC disruptions.

  • Class III: Serious Infractions

    • Examples: Severe roleplay breaches, significant abuse of game mechanics, serious harassment.

  • Class IV: Major Infractions

    • Examples: Extensive abuse of game mechanics, deliberate and continuous harassment, major disruption of server operations.

  • Class V: Severe Infractions

    • Examples: Severe or repeated violations that undermine the integrity of the server, extreme cases of harassment, or other actions that severely impact gameplay for others.

2. Reporting Violations

  1. Submit a Report: Players should report violations using the server’s designated reporting system or by contacting an admin.
  2. Provide Evidence: Include any relevant evidence such as screenshots or video recordings to support your report.
  3. Detailed Description: Clearly describe the violation, including details such as the date, time, and involved players.

3. Investigation Process

  1. Initial Review: Admins will review the report and evidence to determine if a violation occurred.
  2. Collect Information: Admins may contact involved parties for additional details or clarification.
  3. Determine Action: Based on the evidence and statements, admins will decide on appropriate disciplinary action according to the violation class.

4. Disciplinary Actions

  • Class I Infractions:

    • Verbal Warning: A reminder of the rules to the player involved.

  • Class II Infractions:

    • Written Warning: A documented warning, noting the infraction and reminding the player of the rules.

  • Class III Infractions:

    • Temporary Ban: A ban for a specific duration, depending on the severity of the infraction. The duration will be proportional to the seriousness of the violation.

  • Class IV Infractions:

    • Extended Temporary Ban: A longer ban period to address the severity of the infraction, with a review upon expiration.

  • Class V Infractions:

    • Permanent Ban: A permanent ban from the server due to the severity of the infraction. This decision is final and only reconsidered in exceptional cases.

5. Appeal Process

  1. Submit an Appeal: Players can appeal any disciplinary action through the server’s appeal system or by contacting an admin directly.
  2. Include Evidence: Provide evidence or additional information to support the appeal.
  3. Review and Decision: Appeals will be reviewed by a panel of admins. The outcome will be communicated to the player, with decisions potentially overturning or upholding the original action.

6. Admin Conduct

  1. Impartiality: Admins must enforce rules impartially, without bias or favoritism.
  2. Transparency: Admins should offer clear explanations for disciplinary actions and decisions made.
  3. Professionalism: Admins are expected to handle all situations with professionalism and respect.

7. Training and Accountability

  1. Admin Training: Admins must complete training on rule enforcement and handling player reports.
  2. Regular Reviews: Admin performance and adherence to guidelines are reviewed regularly to ensure fairness and consistency.
  3. Feedback: Players are encouraged to provide feedback regarding admin conduct and enforcement to aid in improving server management.

8. Updates and Changes

  1. Guideline Reviews: These enforcement guidelines are periodically reviewed and updated to reflect server policy changes and community needs.
  2. Communication: Significant changes to the guidelines will be communicated to the community.

By following these guidelines, Shadow Haven RP aims to maintain a fair and enjoyable gaming environment for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation!


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Shadow Haven RP - Rules and GuidelinesWelcome to Shadow Haven RP! To ensure a fun and fair environment for everyone, please adhere to the following rules and guidelines:General Rules

  1. Respect Others: Treat all players with respect. Harassment, hate speech, or discriminatory behavior will not be tolerated.
  2. No Metagaming: Do not use out-of-character knowledge to influence your in-game decisions. Keep your roleplay experience immersive.
  3. No Powergaming: Do not force actions or unrealistic scenarios on other players. Allow for natural roleplay and responses.
  4. Follow Server-Specific Rules: Be sure to read and follow any additional rules that may be unique to Shadow Haven RP.

Roleplaying Rules

  1. Stay In-Character: Always act in accordance with your character’s role and background. Out-of-character (OOC) chat should be kept to a minimum and used appropriately.
  2. Realistic Behavior: Roleplay actions and scenarios should be realistic and logical within the game’s context. Avoid actions that would be implausible or overly disruptive.
  3. No Random Deathmatch (RDM): Killing other players without a valid roleplay reason is prohibited. Ensure that any aggressive actions are justified by the roleplay situation.
  4. No FailRP: Do not perform actions that are unrealistic for your character’s role or situation. For example, a police officer cannot suddenly become a criminal without proper roleplay.

Property and Building Rules

  1. Respect Property Limits: Follow the server's guidelines for property ownership and building. Do not build in ways that obstruct gameplay or other players.
  2. No Excessive Props: Avoid using an excessive number of props or creating structures that hinder the server’s performance or other players’ experiences.
  3. Roleplay-Based Building: Ensure that any building or modification you make is justified within the roleplay context of your character’s occupation or role.

Job-Specific Rules

  1. Police: Enforce the law fairly and impartially. Use your powers responsibly and avoid abuse. Follow proper procedures for arresting and issuing fines.
  2. Criminals: Engage in criminal activities within the confines of roleplay. Avoid random acts of violence and ensure that your actions have a clear motive.
  3. Medics: Provide medical services to those in need. Do not exploit your role for personal gain or create unnecessary obstacles for other players.

Admin Rules

  1. Admin Actions: Admins must act impartially and according to the server rules. Abuse of admin powers or favoritism will result in disciplinary action.
  2. Handling Reports: Admins should handle player reports and issues promptly and fairly. Provide clear explanations for any actions taken.
  3. Respect Privacy: Admins should not use their powers to intrude on players’ privacy or engage in roleplay scenarios as admins unless necessary.

Disciplinary Actions

  1. Warnings: Minor infractions may result in a verbal warning or a written warning depending on the severity.
  2. Temporary Bans: Repeat or more severe offenses may result in temporary bans from the server.
  3. Permanent Bans: Serious or repeated violations of the rules may result in a permanent ban from Shadow Haven RP.

Feedback and SuggestionsWe value your input! If you have suggestions or feedback, please contact an admin or submit your ideas through our official channels.Thank you for being a part of Shadow Haven RP. Enjoy your time in the server, and remember to roleplay responsibly!

Dark RP rules

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Section A: General Rules

  1. Follow Staff Instructions: Listen to staff instructions at all times.
  2. Respect Other Players: Do not intentionally ruin other players' experiences. Witchhunting (deliberate harassment with intent to ruin another player's experience) is Not Allowed.

    • Witchhunting includes but is not limited to:

      • Constantly engaging in RP actions with malicious intent.
      • Slanderous comments intended to harass or cause controversy.
      • Telling someone to harm themselves.

  • Impersonation: Do not impersonate staff members or other players.
  • Exploits: Do not intentionally abuse exploits; report them to a staff member.
  • Security Threats: Do not threaten or attempt to DDOS/Crash the Server or compromise other players' security.

    • Releasing personally identifiable information (even as a joke) will result in a permanent network ban. This includes but is not limited to IPs, names, addresses, and phone numbers.

  • Third Party Software: The use of cheat clients or software to bypass AFK checks is strictly prohibited.
  • Ban Circumvention: Using an alt account to circumvent a ban will result in all accounts being permanently banned.
  • AFKing: AFKing is allowed, but your job may be changed if you're AFK on a high-demand job with low player slots and own no/few entities.
  • External Agreements: Agreements between players outside of 1st party SHADOW HAVEN RP addons for in-game money, items, entities, etc., are Non-Enforceable (Staff won't intervene).
  • External Resources: The exchange of in-game money/items for external resources outside of first-party SHADOW HAVEN RP Addons (real-world cash, Steam items, etc.) is Not Allowed. Selling ranks/custom class access for in-game cash is strictly prohibited.

    • RDM (Random Deathmatch) is when a player kills another for no valid reason.
    • MRDM (Mass RDM) is when a player kills 3 players in a short period for no valid reason.
    • On SHADOW HAVEN RP, ARDM (Attempted RDM) is treated the same way as RDM.


    • RDA (Random Arrest) is when a player arrests another for no valid reason.
    • MRDA (Mass RDA) is when a player arrests 3 players in a short period for no valid reason.

  • Scamming: Engaging in a deceptive act to coerce another player into an exchange for nothing or something minuscule in return is Not Allowed.
  • Metagaming: Metagaming is when one transfers RP data to Non Role-play data, usually via OOC. It is against server rules and is a bannable offense.

  • Section B: Chat Rules

    1. Language: English is the primary language on SHADOW HAVEN RP. It is expected in Advert. Feel free to speak any language in other contexts as long as it follows other rules.
    2. No Spamming: Do not spam /ooc, /advert, @ chat, or voice chat.
    3. Advertising: Advertising other Garry's Mod communities or Discord servers is strictly prohibited.
    4. Hate Speech: Targeted language towards other players that can be interpreted as Racism/Hate Speech is Not Allowed.

      • Context matters: Staff have the final say in situations where the line is crossed.
      • Avoid the following:

        • N-Word, F-Word, R-Word
        • Jokes about rape/incest
        • Uncomfortable comments that cross other players' boundaries

  • Sexual Harassment: SHADOW HAVEN RP takes a hard stand against sexual harassment and misconduct.

    • Reporting: It is expected that you report such allegations to a member of the management team.
    • Handling: Never bring allegations public; this only causes drama and hinders evidence gathering.

    Section C: Prop Rules

    1. Prop-Minging: Prop Minging is not allowed. This includes but is not limited to Prop Climbing, Prop Spamming, and Prop Shielding.
    2. Prop Blocking:

      • Blocking off flag territories to prevent capture is Not Allowed.
      • Blocking off other players' builds, important NPCs, or entities is Not Allowed.
      • Placing Props in Spawn Areas or basing in Spawn Tunnels is Not Allowed.
      • Bodyblocking to prevent players from leaving spawn is Not Allowed.

  • Racist/Hateful Content: Content that can be interpreted as racist or hateful towards marginalized groups is Not Allowed.
  • NSFW Keypads: Not Allowed.
  • Physgunning: The physgunning of Cameras, Props, or Textscreens into another player's base is Not Allowed.
  • Spawn Tunnels: Placing entities and props in Spawn/Spawn Tunnels as any job is Not Allowed.
  • Controversial Builds: Builds that spark controversy will be removed/changed at staff discretion. SHADOW HAVEN RP is not a place to discuss current events/issues.
  • Exploits: Abuse of the Alt+E system to enter out-of-bounds territories/player builds is Not Allowed.

  • Section D: NLR Rules (New Life Rule)

    1. Base Defense: If you die in a raid, you cannot return to kill the raiders or inhibit their raid for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, you have 1 more attempt to defend if they are still raiding your base.
    2. RP Actions: After dying for RP reasons, you cannot attempt any RP actions on the person who killed you for 5 minutes.
    3. Cooldowns:

      • All RP Actions have a 5-minute cooldown before you can perform them on another player.
      • Performing multiple RP actions on a player in quick succession is Not Allowed (1 RP action per player every 10 minutes).

  • NLR Examples:

    • Allowed:

      • Going back to the area of death after being killed by a hitman, but not interacting with them.
      • Returning to your base after being killed elsewhere.
      • Watching a raid after dying, without participating.

    • Not Allowed:

      • Returning to kill the person who killed you.
      • Retaliating after a raid where you died.

    Section E: RP Action Rules

    1. Raiding Rules (RR):

      • Only jobs with (CAN RAID) in their F4 menu description can raid.
      • Raids must start from the entrance of the base/building.
      • Raids last 10 minutes, beginning when a raiding tool is used or a raid advert is called.
      • Solo raiders do not need to advert a raid but cannot raid in a party.
      • Party raiders must advert Party Raid/Assist.
      • Raiding bases with RP Build/Building signs is Not Allowed.
      • All Bank/PD Raids must be adverted, including Solo Raids.
      • Using raiding tools makes you KOS to the area owner, regardless of the sign.
      • Inside Raiding (Insiding): Starting a raid inside a base is Not Allowed.

  • Defending Rules:

    • Destroying valuables, leaving the server, or changing jobs to avoid losing a raid is Not Allowed.
    • Changes to your base during a raid are Not Allowed.
    • Creating a base around a kidnapped player is Not Allowed.

  • Mugging Rules (MR):

    • Only jobs with (CAN MUG) in their F4 menu description can mug.
    • The maximum mug amount is 10k (10,000).
    • All mugs must be adverted.
    • Muggers must give the victim 10 seconds after the advert to drop the money.
    • FearRP: does not exist on SHADOW HAVEN RP; victims can fight back.

  • Warning Rules (WR):

    • If harassed, you can advert Warn.
    • If you advert Warn three times, you can kill the player.
    • If the player stops following, you cannot kill them.
    • Each Warn advert must be spaced by 3 seconds.
    • If warned, you cannot fight back until damaged.

  • Hit Rules:

    • Jobs that can take hits cannot be in a party.
    • Do not repeatedly take hits on the same person in a short time.

  • Countering Rules:

    • You can only counter if:

      • You are in a party with the victim.
      • You are Law Enforcement.

  • Miscellaneous RP Rules:

    • Stealing is allowed without an advert, but KOS is allowed if stolen from.
    • Crossfire: is not a valid advert.
    • Multi-Adverts and Colored Adverts are Not Allowed.
    • The RP action you are adverting must be yellow.
    • Raidbaiting: is Not Allowed.
    • Weapon Checks: are allowed for police at any time. KOSing police for checking weapons is Not Allowed.
    • Handcuffs/Stun Stick: Using these on another player without reason is Not Allowed.
    • Advert Over and False: are valid adverts but are not enforceable by staff.

    Section F: Basing Rules

    1. Entrances:

      • Bases must have at least one entrance accessible without any special knowledge or tricks.
      • No crouch entrances. Players must be able to walk through the entrance without crouching.

  • KOS Signs:

    • KOS (Kill on Sight) signs are only valid if placed at the entrance of your base.
    • KOS lines must be clearly visible and not exceed 5 feet outside your base entrance.
    • KOS signs cannot contradict server rules or add additional rules.
    • Signs must be easy to read.

  • Building Props:

    • You cannot use fading doors in a way that traps players (e.g., trapping players in kill zones).
    • You cannot use invisible props or materials to create hidden barriers.
    • Fading doors must remain open for at least 5 seconds when keypad-cracked.

  • Fading Doors:

    • You are allowed a maximum of 3 fading doors per base.
    • Do not use more than one keypad per fading door.
    • All fading doors must be connected to a keypad or button.
    • Keypads must be visible and within easy reach of the fading door they operate.

  • No Build Zones:

    • Do not build in areas designated as "No Build Zones," including spawn areas and public NPC locations.

  • Defense Props:

    • Do not build defenses that force raiders to crouch or jump.
    • No maze bases or other bases designed to waste raiders' time.
    • Bases must be fair and give raiders a reasonable chance to progress.
    • Shooting windows and kill zones must be wide enough to allow two players to shoot through simultaneously.

  • RP Signs:

    • "RP Build/Building" signs are allowed but must be honored by all players.
    • If you place this sign, you cannot perform RP actions, raid, or mug.

  • Sky Bases:

    • Sky bases are Not Allowed unless directly connected to a building with visible support.

    Section G: Job Rules

    1. Job Specific Rules:

      • Follow the rules and restrictions outlined in your job's description.
      • Do not perform actions that your job description prohibits.

  • Job Abuse:

    • Do not use jobs in a manner that is abusive or goes against the spirit of roleplay.
    • Do not change jobs to avoid consequences or engage in actions outside your role's intended purpose.

  • Police/Security:

    • Do not randomly weapon check players without a valid reason.
    • Do not abuse handcuffs or stun sticks on players without a valid reason.
    • Police cannot own illegal entities (e.g., drugs, printers) or participate in illegal activities.
    • Corrupt cops must roleplay their corruption and not blatantly disregard laws or their role.

  • Mayor Rules:

    • The mayor can set laws but must abide by server rules.
    • Do not create laws that contradict server rules or force players into unwinnable situations.
    • The mayor cannot participate in illegal activities or own illegal entities.
    • Assassination of the mayor must be adverted and can only occur once every 15 minutes.

  • Custom Jobs:

    • Custom jobs must follow server rules and cannot have overpowered abilities or weapons.
    • Do not use custom jobs to circumvent server restrictions or engage in unfair activities.

    Section H: Roleplay Rules

    1. Roleplay (RP) Basics:

      • Always engage in realistic roleplay that fits the setting and your character's role.
      • Do not break character or disrupt roleplay with out-of-character (OOC) comments or actions.
      • Use /me to perform actions that require clarification, such as searching a player or using an item.

  • FearRP:

    • FearRP is when your character must act afraid for their life. For example, if someone has a gun pointed at you, you must comply with their demands.
    • Do not pull out a weapon or try to escape if you are being threatened with a deadly weapon unless you have a valid RP reason.

  • Powergaming:

    • Do not use unrealistic actions or exploits to gain an advantage in roleplay scenarios.
    • Roleplay should be fair and allow all participants to have a reasonable chance of success.

  • Metagaming:

    • Do not use out-of-character knowledge to influence your in-character actions. For example, do not act on information you learned through Discord or OOC chat.
    • Do not communicate in-character information through non-RP channels like Discord.

  • New Life Rule (NLR):

    • After you die, you must forget everything leading up to your death and cannot return to the location of your death for a set period (typically 5 minutes).
    • Do not seek revenge or continue the RP scenario that led to your death.

  • Kidnapping Rules:

    • Kidnapping must be roleplayed realistically, with valid reasons and proper planning.
    • You cannot kidnap the same player within a short period (usually 30 minutes to 1 hour).
    • The victim must be given a chance to comply and cannot be instantly harmed or killed.

  • Mugging Rules:

    • Muggings must be reasonable, with a set maximum amount that can be demanded (e.g., $5,000).
    • You cannot mug the same player within a short period (usually 30 minutes).
    • The victim must be given a fair chance to comply before any violent action is taken.

  • Base Raiding Rules:

    • Raids must be planned and executed realistically. Do not raid the same base repeatedly within a short time frame (usually 15-30 minutes).
    • Advertise raids and give defenders a chance to respond before using force.
    • Do not camp raid entrances or exploit raid mechanics to gain an unfair advantage.

  • RP Names:

    • Use realistic names that fit within the server's theme. Avoid offensive or meme names.
    • Do not change your RP name to avoid consequences or confuse other players.

  • Job-Specific RP:

    • Ensure that your actions align with the role you have chosen. For example, a police officer should not engage in criminal activities without a valid RP reason.
    • Custom jobs must adhere to RP guidelines and cannot break the server's immersion or balance.

    Section I: Communication Rules

    1. Respectful Communication:

      • Treat all players with respect. Harassment, discrimination, and hate speech are strictly prohibited.
      • Avoid spamming in chat, microphone, or through in-game actions (e.g., props or lights).

  • Voice Chat Rules:

    • Use voice chat for in-character communication only. Keep out-of-character (OOC) conversations in OOC chat.
    • Do not scream, use excessively loud noises, or disrupt other players' roleplay through voice chat.

  • OOC (Out-Of-Character) Chat:

    • Use OOC chat sparingly and only when necessary. It is not meant for general conversation but for clarifications or emergencies.
    • Do not argue or cause drama in OOC chat. Use it for constructive communication.

  • Private Messages (PMs):

    • Use PMs to resolve disputes or discuss non-RP matters. Do not use them to metagame or coordinate in-character actions.
    • Respect players' privacy. Do not spam or harass others through PMs.

  • Forum and Discord Conduct:

    • All server rules extend to official forums and Discord channels. Keep discussions civil and on-topic.
    • Do not use server forums or Discord for advertising other servers or unrelated content without permission.

    Section J: Player Reports and Appeals

    1. Reporting Rule Breakers:

      • Use the appropriate channels to report rule violations. Provide evidence such as screenshots or video when possible.
      • Do not make false reports or use the report system to harass or target other players.

  • Ban Appeals:

    • If you believe you were banned unjustly, submit an appeal with a detailed explanation of the situation.
    • Be respectful in your appeal and follow the appeal format provided by the server. Appeals will be reviewed by staff.

  • Dispute Resolution:

    • If you have a disagreement with another player, attempt to resolve it amicably in PMs or with staff mediation.
    • Do not escalate conflicts in OOC chat or disrupt the roleplay of others.

    Section K: Server-Specific Rules

    1. Custom Content:

      • If the server uses custom models, props, or other content, ensure that you have downloaded and installed everything correctly to avoid issues.
      • Do not use custom content to gain an unfair advantage or exploit game mechanics.

  • Event Rules:

    • Special events may have their own rules and guidelines. Follow these strictly to ensure the event runs smoothly.
    • Participate in events in a way that contributes positively to the server and other players' experiences.

  • Economy Rules:

    • If the server has an in-game economy, avoid exploiting glitches, duplicating items, or engaging in unfair trades.
    • Do not disrupt the economy through actions like mass inflation, currency manipulation, or excessive hoarding.

  • Roleplay Environment:

    • Respect the server's setting, theme, and atmosphere. Avoid breaking immersion with out-of-place actions or content.
    • Help maintain a positive and engaging roleplay environment for all players.

    Section L: Community Engagement

    1. Player Conduct:

      • Be a positive member of the community. Support new players, contribute to discussions, and participate in server activities.
      • Avoid toxic behavior, trolling, or actions that detract from the community's well-being.

  • Suggestions and Feedback:

    • If you have suggestions for improving the server, submit them through the appropriate channels.
    • Provide constructive feedback and be open to discussion and collaboration with staff and other players.

  • Contributing to the Server:

    • Players who wish to contribute through content creation, moderation, or other means should contact server staff.
    • Follow the guidelines provided by the server for any contributions or collaborative efforts.

      Note: Administration always has final say, while we do not want to be demoting people for making one mistake, we also want to encourage people to play PD roles and be a mayor. As long as you use common sense and treat the job like a real police officer would, you shouldn’t get into any trouble. Punishments warn/kick/Ban Breaking of any rules constitutes in a 1st warn 2nd Breaking of any rules constitutes in a 2nd warn and jailed time up to 5 minutes 3rd Breaking of any rules constitutes in a 3rd warn and being Kicked/Jailed for up to 10 minutes 4th offence 30 minute jailing and or ban/kick All punishments must adhere to these guidelines unless the Owners/SA say otherwise Racism and Hate speech are the only exceptions to the above guidelines -Staff Decides how to punish if you get banned due to Racisim/Hate speech you CAN NOT APEAL the decision This is a serious offence and we have ZERO tolerance for it Telling people to KYS/Commit suicide IRL (in real life) is a immediate Perma Ban with no appeals Thank you for reading the rules and making this the best possible experience for all involved in Shadow Haven RP  Staff applications are on a First come first serve basis open interview system and you can only be interviewed by the Owners/Super AdminAll incoming staff must work up the ladder to Senior AdminAll Admins are held to a higher standard then the Members/GuestsAdmins can and will be demoted based off of Performance/Abuse